Star Wars Galaxies First Screens & MUCH More!

Simply amazing… I just have to wonder if any game will have much of a chance against this behemoth of a game… and have a feeling that most games will be vying for second place. Not that most of us didn’t already feel that way but after seeing these 8 screenshots at Well-Rounded and these 11 at GameSpy, and reading the detailed preview, also at GameSpy, the feeling is overwhelming. What can possibly compete with a fully fledged out incredibly detailed Star Wars world where YOU get to play one of the inhabitants? It’s going to be a lot of fun covering this year’s E3! Get a load of this trivbit from the preview about the sheer size:

The scope of the game, which is set at the height of the galactic civil war, is awe-inspiring. Multiple game worlds will exist (similar to Ultima Online’s Shards or EverQuest’s servers), each its own separate galaxy. Within each galaxy will be several planets to visit — recognizable locations from the films such as Tatooine and Naboo. Koster explained that each planet would be 16 kilometers x 16 kilometers big — that’s 35% bigger than the entire EverQuest universe, and that’s just one planet of many!

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