Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time featuring a comic strip and some tips for would-be smugglers. Smuggling in space:

– Sometimes, smuggling missions will lead Smugglers to the stars. Broker’s clients can sometimes be on other planets and the only way to complete these missions is to travel through space.

– To successfully complete smuggling missions in space, Smugglers will have to go to the nearest starport to take off after talking to a Broker.

– Instant travel vehicles are scanned for contraband and will be unavailable to Smugglers for the duration of their smuggling mission.

– Sorosuub Yachts are all registered as recreational vehicles and also go through rigorous scans at starports. Using a Yacht to run a smuggling mission will fail the mission.

– Like on the ground, Smugglers know that news about valuable cargo travels fast even in space. Therefore, attacks from underworld thugs are common.

– Be forewarned! Criminal enemies have ship technology that will prevent Smugglers from being able to hyperspace out of the sector.

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