Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time detailing an upcoming quest series called The Azure Cabal.

After the fall of the Old Republic, the planet Emberlene was still full of splendor and beauty. The inhabitants were a proud people who resisted the birth of the Galactic Empire. Believing there was still a chance to resist Emperor Palpatine’s rule, they formed a powerful fighting force to remain free from the Empire. The resistance was an elite group of all-female humans known as The Mistryl Shadow Guard.

Fearing Emberlene and the Mistryl Shadow Guard, the Emperor had their world destroyed as an example to anyone who thought they could resist the rule of the Empire. After the destruction of Emberlene, the guard was sent out to earn credits to protect and rebuild their devastated communities. That is the bedtime story told to younglings.

It is not the truth.

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