Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

SOE’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering a short story about the Star Destroyer heroic encounter in the game’s Chapter 8 update.

“Captain! The TIE fighters have launched!” Kenkirk shouted frantically.

“Activate the tractor beam and pull those ships in.” Sait ordered.

“I can’t, sir.” Kenkirk looked at the captain in desperation.

“Open fire.” Sait pressed a button on his terminal. “Olum! Why aren’t the tractor beams functioning?”

“Sir, it appears the power cells are inactive. One of the crew must have disabled them before the stormtroopers got to them.” Chief Olum responded.

Sait paused. “One of the crew, is it? Well, no matter. Without hyperdrive, those ships won’t get far.” Sait turned his attention to Kenkirk. “Lieutenant, has the rest of the crew been captured?”

“Yes, sir, the stormtroopers have the crew secured.”

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