Star Wars Galaxies Friday Features

Sony has finally gotten around to posting the last three Friday Features to their official Star Wars Galaxies website. The May 11th feature is an overview of the planned anniversary events for Star Wars’ 30th birthday, the May 18th feature is a preview of the Beast Master Expertise System, and today’s feature brings us up to speed on what to expect from June’s Structure Demolition Day. Participate in the destruction!

Journey across the galaxy beginning on June 5, 2007 to find and destroy the identified vacant structures.

Once you see the sign with the red “Abandoned” text, click the radial menu and choose “Structure Management > Pack Up This Building” to initiate the bombing by the Galactic Vacant Building Demolitions Crew.

The ships of this very efficient crew will swoop in immediately and remove the structure before your very eyes!

Once a building has been demolished, it is packed up and placed into the owner’s datapad. The structure will be available when the owner returns to the galaxy (upon account re-activation). Any vendors in the packed up house are also placed into the owner’s datapad.

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