Star Wars: The Old Republic Advanced Class Page and Comic Q&A

Those of you interested in the forthcoming “The Lost Suns” comic book miniseries for Star Wars: The Old Republic will want to check out this Q&A with writer Alexander Freed, while those of you curious about the skills available to each of the advanced classes should check out this new interactive advanced classes page. A snip from the Q&A:

Q: When exactly is The Lost Suns set in relation to Star Warsâ„¢: The Old Republicâ„¢, and previous Old Republic comics?

The Lost Suns begins when the game starts, as the treaty between the Republic and the Empire is starting to fray. This places it about a decade after Threat of Peace and around forty years after Blood of the Empire.

As the issues progress, the events in the comic parallel the events of the game (except when they outright intersect…). Finding a story that took place concurrent with the game was one of our major goals going into the project – we’d done our share of prequels, but now we wanted to dive right into the game itself.

And the skill layout for the Bounty Hunter/Powertech line:

Shield Tech

Further boosts the Powertech’s defensive technology, allowing him to soak up attacks.

Advanced Prototype

The latest technology makes the Powertech a versatile fighter against any enemy.

Firebug (shared)

The Firebug concentrates on burning their opponents with missiles and technology.

Finally, details on the game’s presence at E3 can be found here.

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