Star Wars: The Old Republic “Deceived” Cinematic Trailer Released

BioWare Austin and Blur Studios have collaborated on a new “Deceived” cinematic trailer, which we’ve promptly uploaded to our YouTube channel. It’s easily one of the better video game trailers I’ve ever seen, so I highly recommend setting aside four minutes to watch it:

And here’s the blurb that goes along with it:

The Sacking of Coruscant. It was the crowning achievement of the Sith Empire’s ambitious military strategy and the moment that changed the history of the Old Republic forever. You may have read about it before, but our first cinematic trailer captures this event with breathtaking action and beautiful detail.

Republic leaders have traveled to Alderaan to engage in promised peace talks with the Sith Empire. The most powerful Jedi have accompanied them to safeguard against an Imperial deception. The Empire’s real motive, however, was simply to lure the Republic’s strongest defenders away from Coruscant and set the stage for an audacious attack. Under the command of Lord Angral, the Sith fleet approaches the Republic’s capital planet for the first time in centuries. In advance of the fleet, the strongest Sith Warriors have flown a stolen Republic ship into Coruscant’s orbit. Their mission is critical to destroy the planet’s defense grid mainframe hidden in the heart of the Jedi Temple.

Seriously, watch it.

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