Star Wars: The Old Republic Not Launching Before April 2011

More interesting tidbits from EA’s financials and subsequent conference call continue to surface, as it is now revealed that the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO won’t see its initially pegged release date of Spring 2011.  Word is that it won’t launch in EA’s Financial 2011 (which ends March 2011):

(We are not assuming that we bring a major new MMO to market in fiscal ‘˜11. We will continue to increase significant development cost as we prepare this title for launch,) he said.

Both EA and Lucas has previously said the game is aiming for a (spring 2011’³ release, putting the launch in either April or May 2011.

As CEO John Riccitiello added, the costs involved here are gigantic, so don’t be hugely shocked if this trundles off into the back half of next year.

(It’s a significant cost,) said the exec. (MMOs can cost as much as two to six, seven times as much as a front-line title, if they’re done right.

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