Star Wars: The Old Republic Sith Warrior Q&A

GameSpot has conjured up a Q&A with BioWare Austin’s James Ohlen and Emmanuel Lusinchi that officially takes the wraps off another of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s classes – the Sith Warrior.

GS: Aside from using the weapon to slice through droids and enemy soldiers, what other lightsaber-based abilities will this character have?

EL: While Jedi use flowing and elegant lightsaber forms, the Sith Warrior’s attacks are all about uncontrollable rage and the overwhelming use of force. Impale, a gratuitously brutal and generally downright lethal attack, is a good example of the Sith Warrior’s powers. The ability is what we call a “spender.” The character can use it only once he has whipped himself into a fine rage, typically in the middle of a fight. Since such devastating power would be wasted on an already-wounded enemy, the smart warrior prefers to unleash it on a fresh attacker for, under the right circumstances, an instant kill. Also, I find that impale is a very satisfying way to finish a long fight against a powerful foe.

GS: Even though traditional Star Wars imagery places both Jedi and Sith in long, flowing robes, it sounds like the Sith Warrior isn’t afraid to don heavy armor–even experimental stuff. How does the concept of a Sith wearing heavy armor fit into the universe proper? Can you give some examples of established Sith characters who kit themselves out this way?

JO: Darth Vader is the most famous example of a Sith wearing armor. While Vader’s armor was really a life support suit, we felt that wearing armor was an iconic part of the class, especially if we were going to [emulate] Vader. There are other examples of Sith wearing armor in Star Wars fiction (Exar Kun, Darth Krayt, Darth Bane). Even Obi-Wan from Clone Wars wears armor.

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