StarCrawlers Chimera Kickstarter Campaign Successfully Funded

With $20,038 pledged and the initial goal set at $15,000, Juggernaut Games’ single-character dungeon crawler StarCrawlers Chimera was successfully funded through Kickstarter, and even managed to hit a couple of stretch goals, unlocking the Xenobiologist, BioMods, Space Pirate, Bullet Farmer, Cursed! and Dangerous Mutant skill trees.

Here’s a quick thank you message from the team, along with some info for the backers:

Backers, you’ve done it! You’ve closed out the campaign with over 133% funding and we’re fired up to get going!

What happens now?

When the confetti from the campaign settles, it’s time for us to dive in and get to work to bring you StarCrawlers Chimera! Here’s the plan :

1. Surveys go out to all backers this week. Please answer your survey to help us get you rewards asap!

2. Keys go out to Alpha+ backers next week. On the survey, we’ve included a question to request either a Steam or GOG key – your answer is vital to get the correct key.

  • For Steam keys : this will be a release override key giving you special access to the game.
  • For GOG keys : we are working with the GOG team to get keys generated, but there may be a short delay before we can provide these as the GOG system is different. We’ll share information as we get it.

3. Content Creator surveys end of July / August. After the initial surveys, we’ll be sending extended surveys out to content creators to start gathering information on your armor / weapons / monsters / quests. We’ll be following up with each of you individually to schedule getting your content into the game.

4. Beta / Early Access planned for September. All keys will grant Beta access through Steam / GOG. You can start playing right away or wait for full release – the choice is yours!

How will we keep you updated on progress?

To avoid spamming, we’ll be keeping post-campaign updates through Kickstarter to major milestone announcements only, but you can always find us on Discord or send us a direct message through Kickstarter / Twitter / Facebook / Steam & GOG forums, or contact [at] We may not be able to respond right away, but we read everything and will get back to you!

In Closing

The campaign is coming to an end, but the real adventure is just beginning. We’ve met tons of new backers, reconnected with previous backers, and had great feedback already on Discord – we’re excited to get to work building this game with your support. With all our hearts :

Thank You!

– Juggernaut Games

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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