StarCrawlers Chimera – The Chemical Labs Alpha Update Available

While Juggernaut Games are still looking to launch their crowdfunded dungeon crawler StarCrawlers Chimera into early access later this year, for the time being they’ve put together a new alpha update for the game’s Kickstarter backers. This update adds a new floor to the game’s alpha build along with a bunch of other fresh content. Here’s what you’ll find inside:

The Chemical Labs are now live!

With this patch, floor 3 of the Chimera complex has been unlocked. The Chemical Labs features new enemies, events, gear, weapons, secrets, and heaping vats of ooze. Dive in!


  • Added Floor 3 : The Chemical Labs. What’s Chimera cooking up down there? You’ll need to brave the descent to find out…
  • Added a new unique enemy : the Cyberninja.
  • Added a horde of new enemies and rare variants for the Chemical Labs.
  • Added a bunch ‘o guns, swords, and some unconventional weapons.
  • New events that reward items that add permanent bonuses to weapons or gear.
  • New boss(es) fight in Chemical Labs.
  • Added support for Fast and Slow enemies. Fast enemies get 2 actions per turn, Slow enemies skip every other turn.
  • Added effects that can make targets temporarily Fast or Slow.
  • Added Mk. 2 / Mk. 3 versions of grenades and mines to Security / Chemical floors.


  • Equipping, swapping, or removing ammo no longer counts as an action.
  • The high-end damage for the traps Shock Mine and Shock Bomb has been reduced.
  • Corpses now decay over a long time.


  • Fixed Instant abilities not working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a bonus contract to kill an enemy to cause an error.
  • The interior walls of Milton’s room now feature proper collision.
  • Fixed enemies loading into teleporters causing a culling error.
  • Fixed bonus crate minimap turn-in starts not getting cleaned up.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some enemy buff abilities to incorrectly target the caster.
  • Fixed Psykonics Warp allowing the player to move outside of a boss room.
  • Fixed an issue if the Mod Action hotkey was unbound.
  • Fixed an issue with some events failing to force give keys items when player inventory is full.
  • Fixed an issue with Space Pirate’s Black Spot ability that could cause an error.

Known Issues

  • Enemies killed by a dual wield counterattack may not appear dead (fix incoming).
  • Stairs may not always return you to the same room when transitioning floors.
  • UI scaling truncates preset classes on the character creation screen.
  • Camera traps may appear to be in range for disarming when they are not actually and may vanish after a save is loaded.
  • Pets catching up to player may teleport into occupied spaces.

Coming Soon (in no particular order)

  • Skill Tree Improvements : ability changes & new abilities
  • Inventory sorting : sort items at the press of a button
  • Always Item Compare : automatically items against equipped slots

As always, thank you for your support!
– Thunderflux & Juggernaut Games

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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