StarCrawlers Chimera Updates, $10,272 and Counting

With three weeks still to go, Juggernaut Games’ Kickstarter campaign for StarCrawlers Chimera is already less than $5,000 away from its initial goal. That being the case, you might want to check out the first campaign update for a quick FAQ, and then follow that up with the second one that shares a preview of the game’s Chemical Labs area.

Here’s what you can expect to find there:

We’re over 66% funded and on our way towards the goal!

For this update, we’re going to go into more detail about some of the features you’ll encounter as you descend into the Chimera complex. One important lesson learned from StarCrawlers was that players really enjoyed our hand-crafted content paired with procedural elements. To avoid procedural fatigue though, we’re focusing on making sure each floor of the game highlights new content : new enemies, traps, events, and gear are obvious choices, but we also want these things to introduce new gameplay mechanics. Each floor will feature a mix of both the familiar and new to keep things fresh. For example, we’re going to highlight a specific floor :

The Chemical Labs

Chimera Biopharma is known for researching, manufacturing, and push- . . . er, retailing a wide variety of chems. Their latest creations (and a few failed experiments) can all be found in the Chemical Labs. This floor will introduce new content not seen in previous floors, including enemies, hazards, items, and events. Here are just a few :

New Enemies : Oozes & Slimes

The oozes and slimes are a mix of semi-sentient chemical weapons, escaped test subjects, and horrific mistakes. They all want to kill you. Two variants are the Incineron Slime and the Amoebic Ooze.

Incineron Slimes are fast, enflamed, and flammable. When damaged, they have a tendency to burst into flames and leave a trail of fiery sludge behind them. As fire can spread (and spread to other slimes!), it’s wise to separate herds or have an escape method at the ready.

The Amoebic Ooze is a slow moving mass of beefy slime mold. As it takes damage, it sheds smaller globules that attack with increased speed and damage. When encountering several together, take care to focus your attacks or you could find yourself overwhelmed.

New Hazards : Chemical Canisters

Chimera stores all sorts of unstable mixtures in these labs (all perfectly legal, of course) and they shouldn’t be exposed to impacts / flames / void energy. Doing so may spread a random assortment of hazardous chemicals into the immediate vicinity – great when they’re next to enemies, not so great when next to you.

New Items : Mystery Chems

New chems are being cooked up daily by the twisted scientists at Chimera. If you’re brave enough to ingest / coat yourself / inhale these mystery chems, you might find you are imbued with greatly increased strength, speed, or intellect. Or you might sprout tentacles. The possibilities are endless!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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