State of Decay 2 – Content Update 8.0 Available

Undead Labs’ zombie-survival RPG State of Decay 2 has received a new content update that, apart from expanding the game’s arsenal with a bunch of World War II-inspired weapons, introduces a number of quality of life improvements based on community feedback. The complete patch notes are quite extensive, so here’s an excerpt:

We’ve taken another step in our ongoing quest to keep listening to community feedback and improving the game. This time, the big-ticket items are:

  • Over a dozen new weapons from the World War II era.
  • The ability to demote a leader without exiling or killing them.
  • New icons to help you find characters you’re trying to exile or demote.
  • The ability to transfer items into the base from every inventory slot at a parked vehicle.
  • The ability to unload ammunition from weapons in your inventory.

Check out the detailed patch notes below.

World War II Weapons

Community Request: We’ve added a new set of classic weapons from the World War II era:

  • M1918 BAR
  • M1A1 Thompson
  • M3 Grease Gun
  • Surplus M1911
  • M1917 Revolver
  • M1903A4 Sniper Rifle
  • M1 Carbine
  • M1 Para Carbine
  • M97 Trench Gun

There are several ways to get these new weapons:

  • There is a new antique weapons trader who shows up occasionally to sell them (appearing at the same rate as the other traders).
  • These new weapons can also be looted from the same containers as other standard guns in the game. Gun stores are a great place to look.
  • Characters with an interest in historical weapons can also spawn with them. (Look for traits like Rifle Collector, War Reenactor, and the new World War II Buff.)

Community Request: We also added four special variants that can only be found in the rare weapon containers hidden across the maps:

  • Barrow Style BAR (a cut-down M1918 BAR)
  • Gangland Strad (an M1A1 Thompson with a drum magazine)
  • Graveyard Shift (an integrally-suppressed M3 Grease Gun)
  • T4/M2 Carbine (a fully-automatic variant of the M1 Carbine)

Demoting Leaders

Community Request: You can now demote your leader from the Community Screen without having to exile them or get them killed.

  • The process is the same as for exiling a character. First you mark them for demotion, then you speak to them in person.
  • The demoted character’s standing drops to Citizen level, and they suffer a temporary Morale penalty.

Community Request: When you exile or demote someone, they are now given a distinctive marker in the world and on the map, so you can easily find them to complete the process.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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