State of RPGs: PlayStation 3

SCRAWLfx has profiled several promising role-playing games that will be hitting the PlayStation 3 in the not-so-distant future, including Demon’s Souls, Final Fantasy XIII and XIV, Resonance of Fate, and more. This next offering from tri-Ace looks like it might strike some cyberpunk chords:

Sega and tri-Ace are teaming up for a brand new next-gen RPG. Resonance of Fate is a “gun battle” RPG taking place in a colossal machine city known as Basel. Millions of citizens live in this tower due to poisonous gases contaminating the Earth. While the upper class is living on the top of the tower in luxury, the lower class is scattered through the many sectors of the lower half.

Resonance of Fate is hyped at a level of 8 because the developer tri-Ace are the same team behind the Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile series and have already earned the title of a great RPG developer.

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