Stitched – An Indie Adventure Horror Game

It’s that time of the week, again! That’s right, it’s Indie Game Friday. I know that’s not really a thing but let’s just say it is. This week, I am looking at the game Stitched. It is the first game created by Fluffex Studios; one man who sought to bring one of his stories to life through the means of video gaming. Something that started over 3 years ago had now bloomed into a brilliant and beautiful looking indie adventure game.

Brief Look At The Story

You play the character of Catherine Stockholmes who is on her way home for the holidays. But, things soon go awry when a tragic accident leaves her unconscious. Waking up inside of a rather creepy doll factory with no real reason as to why you are there, you have a real desire to escape. And no wonder because this is by no means any normal doll factory. Be cautious though, as terrible things happen to those who are curious.

The story perhaps isn’t anything new but I often say that how these things are executed is what makes a game unique. The fact that it is set in a doll factory is enough to make my skin crawl. Add on top of that spooky happenings and mysterious monsters, I don’t know how far through this game I could go. That being said, the atmosphere is what intrigues me the most and really seems to set the tone for the entire game.

Stitched screenshot horror

Visually stunning

It may have a classic JRPG look about it but the art work is something phenomenal altogether. I do get a American Mcgee’s Alice feel from it especially from the look of the protagonist. But, it really does look great and from what we’ve read, this was something that the developer wanted to invest in. And it really has paid off.

I can’t wait to get my hands on this game and give it a go myself. You can buy this game on Steam now for a rather modest £5.79/ $7.99. I am unsure at this point how long the game really is, so it remains to be seen whether this is a reasonable price for what you get. However, based on everything else I would still recommend giving it a try. Stitched has a lot of potential and who can’t beat a good indie adventure mixed with a bit of horror.

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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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