Stoneshard – Year Two Anniversary Patch Available

Following two years of early access, Ink Stains Games’ turn-based RPG Stoneshard gets a new update that adds the previously-revealed Survival skill tree, some new gear and enemy abilities, new loot generation rules, and more. Here are the patch notes:

  • Added the Survival tree – it comes with 10 new abilities.
  • Added a new consumable item: a Bedroll. Bedrolls allow creating single-use sleeping spots outside of dungeons, offering an additional opportunity to save your progress.
  • Added new gear: Pot Helmet, Visored Pot Helmet, War Hat, Baron Sabatons, Levy Bow, Curved Bow, Brotherhood of Ouroboros’ Shield (unique), Shield of the Truth’s Eternal Sun (unique).
  • Added new abilities to some animals: Howl, Pack Sense, Dying Rage, Ramming Charge.
  • Reworked loot generation rules for containers. Loot generation now occurs when the world or locations are first generated instead of each time you open containers, removing the possibility of rerolling their contents.
  • Tweaked sleep effects in different locations:
    • Tavern: 100% Restoration effectiveness, replenishes Psyche, grants Vigor.
    • Bedroll: 50% Restoration effectiveness (100% with “Make a Halt” skill), doesn’t replenish Psyche, doesn’t grant Vigor.
    • Camp: 50% Restoration effectiveness (100% with “Make a Halt” skill), doesn’t replenish Psyche, doesn’t grant Vigor.
    • Leprosarium: 100% Restoration effectiveness, damages Psyche, doesn’t grant Vigor.
    • The Watchtower Tavern (Brynn): 125% Psyche replenishment.
  • Discovering new locations now grants 100 XP.
  • Hands Efficiency can now exceed 100% when using a two-handed weapon.
  • Picking up an item that doesn’t belong to you while being observed by an NPC will summon a dialogue with an option to either return said item to its owner without any repercussions or to keep it to yourself, which will count as a crime.
  • Removed the basic Intoxication decay. Instead, Intoxication is reduced by expending Immunity.
  • Immunity over 100% will now gradually decrease down to the 100% threshold.
  • General resistances are now properly factored into locational resistances and are displayed correctly in the character’s menu.
  • New effect type: Lingering. Lingering effects don’t count as Physical, Mental, or Magical.
  • The Osbrook’s sergeant now provides arrows or bolts when asked for a bow or a crossbow respectively.
  • Increased the base price for most pelts.
  • Reduced the spawn chance for leeches. Leeches can no longer spawn in sea water.
  • Map tiles with rivers can now spawn wild ducks.
  • Added willow trees to river banks.
  • It’s now possible to gather sticks in the woods and use them to start fires.
  • Made it possible to catch butterflies.
  • Added new achievements.
  • Improved optimization.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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