Stratos Group’s Shadowbane E3 review

Yup, still more news from E3. The guys over at Stratos Group had a chance to talk with WolfPack at E3 and wrote up a short summary of their conversations. The Report is a pretty general overview of Shadowbane. It doesn’t talk about any of the new information released during the week of E3 but does serve as a good introduction as to what Shadowbane is.

One point I would have to debate with them, is “…it does not appear as if there are many classes that are not focused around combat…it does not appear as if you will find any real artisans in Shadowbane.”
While it is true that there aren’t any classes that focus on trade skills, it is because you don’t need them to be a tradesmen. Instead of forcing you to create a tradesperson character, you can hire one instead, controlling the NPC much like you would your character, minus all the repetitive clicking. The only prerequisite is having the startup money.

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