Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Update – What Awaits Us in the Near Future

A new Kickstarter update for Cultic Games’ upcoming Lovecraftian RPG Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones shares some recently finished backer portraits, shows off some photos of physical backer rewards, lets us know that the game should be going live before the end of the year, and shares a short video featuring a female protagonist.

Here are the text parts:

Greetings all the Cult Brethren who impatiently wait for our eternal doom!

Or shall we rather say; All who impatiently wait for a game called “Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones”?

Since the release will happen this year (yes, we can’t believe that either!), we wanted to inform you about our plans concerning gifts and our other promises. Oh, the enthralling promises from the deep…

First of all, our backer portraits are complete! We’d like to thank Ozan Gürbüz, Zombie Tom, David South and Sebastian Suarez for their precious contribution to the end of the world. Don’t they look lovely?

All the cultist robes were also manufactured by our talented tailors who perfected their craft on various exotic fabrics.

The Special Edition Game Tomes are also ready, hungrily waiting for their associated DVDs to get on board.

And here comes more merry news!

Merry Folk From the Stars, the purported children’s book which is guaranteed to guide both children and adults worldwide into the sweet realm of hysteria is not only complete but its digital version in pdf form will be shared with all of our backers who pledged to the tiers above and including the Early Shantak Tier. We hope that it will be able to satisfy a portion of your Mythos hunger while you wait for the release.


We can almost hear your cries about the release date, brethren. For now, let’s just say that the Black Day will arrive near the end of this year. Our astronomers are still trying to foresee a more concrete date but the reports tell that the visions of the future are still shrouded by the mists of time. We’ll update you as soon as we’re able to more clearly distinguish the precursors of the prophecy at hand.

We’d like to conclude this update with a short video of the female player character! Both genders and everything in between are welcome to experience the horrors of our twilit dimension.

All the archetypes will have their own female costume sets in the final experience.

This seems like it for now, brethren. We better get back to the Crimson Church, the ceremony is about to get under way.

Until we meet again on the haunted web ways of the Black Data.

Team Cultic

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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