Sword of the Stars: The Pit 2 Update – Escape Pods

Kerberos Productions brings us a new early access update for Sword of the Stars: The Pit 2. On top of a whole bunch of fixes and tweaks, the update adds some new rooms, enemies, and door-related features. It also introduces Escape Pods that allow you to complete your “run” without beating the final boss.

Here’s the changelog and some additional info:

Update time! Lots of bugs and tweaks as well as a couple of big additions; firstly, the end game screen got a biiiiiiig overhaul. Secondly, a third option to your runs has been added, the Escape Pod!

“A what? Why?” you ask? Well, for a few reason. Firstly because a Roguelike is an unforgiving premise – you make it or you don’t. But in The Pit 2 you’re also a mercenary treasure hunter, a raptor, so dying doesn’t sound terribly profitable. So, we’ve begun implementing a few features that give you a third option. If you survive long enough to find an escape pod, and maybe you’re not too confident about your chances of reaching the bottom, why not take the money and run?

“What money?” you ask, because you are full of questions today! Not literal money, but you’ve been racking up a score in the game for some time and the Escape Pod is a way to take that score and brag about it. More importantly, we’ve added Datacore items; cubes filled with vast amounts of alien research and information which will be worth a fortune to any of the galactic empires willing to pay your price. Or, to put it another way, they’re worth a LOT of points to towards your total score, provided you leave The Pit alive.

In the coming weeks we’ll be expanding on this system, with more cool little twists, but for now you can challenge The Pit as normal and see your end-game stats laid out in the Scoring Screen, which has been given a huge overhaul.

Keep playing! Keep sending us your feedback – feedback is always a big part of these updates. And stay tuned for more cool stuff to come!

1.0.18 Change Log


  • Escape Pod feature added to game – If you can survive to Floor 15, you may discover Escape Pods, which allow you to escape The Pit as an alternate option to completing last floor or dying. However, to use the escape pods, you will need to provide some missing parts. We will be expanding on this Game Over option in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for details.
  • Save Game added to Character Select screen when load game is available.
  • Giant overhaul to Game Over screen / scorecard.
  • New Recipes added!
  • New Room type added.
  • More room variants.
  • Smart enemies open / close doors.
  • Blocking feedback added.
  • Digital fog feedback added.
  • Dodger feedback added.
  • Radiation count added to stat sheet.
  • Resistance values feedback added to the stat sheet.
  • Razor fists implemented.
  • Door blocked / cannot close feedback added.
  • Skills / stats bonus feedback added (Mouse-over skills and stats to see what is influencing the bonus or detriment).


  • Adjusted enemy sensor check.
  • Hunger based on baseline might value instead of current might value in order to clear up shifting values when player are modified by statuses.
  • Enemy pathfinding adjustments.
  • Base paste set up, feedback when affect is benefiting the player.
  • Weapon adjustments.
  • Safe meat icon updated.
  • Mecha damage mentioned in combat baton details.
  • Additional info added to crafting tool tips (when owned in inventory and food item value).
  • Light security bots block player.
  • Improved text color for combat details list.
  • Memory optimizer feedback (shows turns active).
  • Prop interact odds added to list when failed.
  • Additional feedback added to stunned feedback.
  • Stunned has slow penalty now.
  • Medical filter updated to include more items.
  • Tweaked lighting.
  • Improved enemy line-of-sight (fuzzy edge line-of-sight removed).
  • Hand crafting takes 1 turn to complete.
  • Game saved feedback added to action list.
  • Failed cooker feedback added.
  • Adjusted brightness / contrast controls.
  • Radius feedback added to grenade tool tips.
  • Various balance tweaks.


  • Inventory moving items after setting hot-bar bug.
  • Failed trap bug.
  • Negative hunger bug.
  • Medium turret close range damage bug.
  • Filter recipe button bug.
  • Open doors at a distance bug.
  • Tactic unlocked added to actions list.
  • Breaching Charges useable on destroyed doors bug.
  • Protean attack animation bug.
  • Several disappearing props fixed.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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