Sword of the Stars: The Pit IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

Kerberos Productions has announced Sword of the Stars: The Pit, a “classic” roguelike that they’re developing and are seeking to crowd-fund through IndieGoGo. A $60,000 goal seems reasonable given their pedigree:

And a little background info to start you off:

The Pit is short for The Pit of the Bloodweaver. In this game, you play a brave Human soldier exploring a multi-level underground lab facility. The place was built and abandoned years ago by the Bloodweaver, an alien super-genius with delusions of godhood. He was the ultimate mad scientist, and The Pit was his favorite box of tinker toys.

As you break through locked doors, open storage containers, dodge traps and evade security systems, you’ll also have to contend with a variety of crazy foes. The Pit is full of the mutants, monsters and minions that the enemy left behind.

They’re hungry, and you look like lunch.

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