SWTOR Companion Gifts Guide

star wars the old republic logoIn Star Wars The Old Republic your companions are a major part of the game, they follow you around, tank for you, heal you or at a pinch they can rip out the entrails of your enemies. This guide details the SWTOR companion gifts, shows you which gifts are best to give to each companion and how the changes in companion affection are calculated.

Firstly, gifts can be acquired in several ways. You can buy them from the auction house or from the companion gift vendors, you can be given them as quest rewards or as loot drops, or you can send a companion out to gather them via one of the mission crafting skills.

In short give your companion a gift they like and they will like you more. Yes, it seems that everybody does have their price. However, you can’t just go around giving any gift you find to any of your companions. Well, actually I suppose you could do that but you really shouldn’t. Knowing which gifts will be appreciated by which companion is the secret to maximising your affection gains.

For example, look at the following chart.

gifts affection star wars droid

Along the side are the various playable classes of Star Wars: The Old Republic and along the top are the various categories of gift item. If you cross-reference and see a symbol then you will gain some affection points from the gift.

The symbols on the chart show you how much the companion enjoys that type of gift.

small = this is their primary or favourite gift type. Gifts of this type give the companion +96 affection.

red small= they love these types of gift and their affection is raised by +54. (does not indicate romance between characters)

happy icon = they only like this gift so for these you get the smallest level of affection gain, +24.

If the square is blank then you will always get 0 and the gift will be wasted.

So there you have it, now you know which gift you should give to which companion. There is one other thing that you should consider. Gifts come in a variety of rarities, green gifts are common, blue gifts are uncommon and purple gifts are rare. The rarer the gift the more bonus affection the companion receives from it

  • Common gifts don’t add anything to the affection.
  • Uncommon gifts add +50%
  • Rare gifts add even more, I can’t find the figures now but I’d guess at between 75-100% extra affection.

Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Let’s assume your Jedi Knight has two gifts in his inventory (A common ‘underworld luxury’ and a piece of uncommon ‘Republic memorabilia’) and you want to know which companion would get the greatest benefit (Doc or Sergeant Rusk?)

Underworld Goods (Common adds nothing to the affection rating)

  • Doc likes the gift so will gain +24 affection from it.
  • Sergeant Rusk has no feelings towards it so will gain nothing (+0)

Republic Memorabilia (Uncommon adds 50% extra affection)

  • Doc has no feelings towards it so will gain nothing (+0)
  • It’s one of Sergeant Rusk’s favourite items so he gains +96 for the item an extra 50% for its rarity. A total of 96+48 = +144 affection.


Romancing a Character

Give certain companions enough gifts and flirt with them when you can and you will unlock them as romantic options. This will often increase the number of gift types you can give that companion or the effect, a ‘like’ may become a love or even a favourite. I believe that this change occurs around the 5000 affection rating mark, but please let me know if this is not the case.


Gift Affection Diminishes

You will also need to watch out for the rank of the gift. Giving the right ranking gift to the right companion is also important. Using gifts of too low a rank will result in less affection rating. Giving gifts of too high a rank will not increase the amount of affection past their basic levels, so you would be almost wasting the gift.

Gifts drop to 50% effectiveness at the first mark and then by a further 50% drop at 4000. In short each rank of gift is only 100% affective for the following ranges.

  • Rank 1 = 0 – 2,000
  • Rank 2 = 2,001 – 4,000
  • Rank 3 = 4,001 – 6,000
  • Rank 4 = 6,001 – 8,000
  • Rank 5 = 8,001 – 10,000

i.e Giving a rank 5 gift to a companion with an affection rating of zero could only at best result in a 96pt gain. That same 96pt gift could benefit a higher level companion who is no longer able to use the lower ranked gifts.

Without knowing the above it’s easy to waste a rare gift on someone who cares nothing for it.

Since I started using this chart my companions like me a lot more for it.


I will try to keep the above grid updated to make sure it’s correct but if you do see something that’s wrong, let me know.

A huge thanks to Latos and Snidgetwidgeon for all their help with keeping this accurate.

Star Wars The Old Republic Companions

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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