Tabula Rasa Designer Diary #2

GameSpot has published a second designer diary for Tabula Rasa, this time with the unnamed member of the development team providing us with a guide to the planet of Arieki.

The region known as the Torden Plains is where the base of human operations on Arieki is situated. Here, new arrivals become familiar with this new, more hostile environment. Facilities include Fort Irendas (the main human habitation) and the former Irendas penal colony and support infrastructure–massive self-sustaining constructs that hint at the Brann’s technological achievements. The Bane maintain a presence, though it is not particularly strong. North of the Plains lies the Torden Incline, which is geologically unusual since it’s not nearly as active as the bulk of the planet. In comparison to the rest of Arieki, the Incline is ecologically diverse, with numerous species of plant life, and it serves as a natural habitat for the Atta. The Bane presence on Torden is strongest in the Torden Mires, in the southwestern area of the region. As the name suggests, the Mires feature numerous burning lakes, tar pits, and superheated mudflows, and a thick toxic smoke hugs the terrain. Because the Mires make it entirely easy to mine fluxite ore, this particular region is especially valuable to the Bane operations on Arieki.

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