Tabula Rasa Peek #1

RPGVault continues its week-long Tabula Rasa coverage with a behind-the-scene look at today’s end-of-beta event. If you didn’t know, the event was having a lot of beta testers try to kill Lord General British.

Of course, that created a small problem. In the Tabula Rasa universe, General British is a hero; he’s one of the founders of the Allied Free Sentients, and someone who plays a key role in the survival of humanity. So, we had to figure out why players would want to kill him in the first place.

This is where our writing staff came in, creating the fiction behind the game and immersing the players in events like this one. They wove a story of corruption and enemy infiltration that has been slowly leaked out to players in the form of top secret transmissions from key members of the AFS.

Once we had a why, we needed a how, and that’s when the development team got together and started planning. We knew we wanted to involve as many members as possible in the event, as they also enjoy having the chance to interact with the players. So initially, we were going to have them play as Thrax soldiers to add a bit of challenge to the players being able to find and kill General British.

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