Tainted Grail: Conquest Leaves Early Access

Tainted Grail: Conquest, the roguelike aspect of Awaken Realms Digital’s Arthurian deckbuilding RPG Tainted Grail, has left early access and is now available on Steam and GOG, priced at $17.99 or your regional equivalent. Here’s the official launch trailer:

And a quick message from the developers:

Okay! This is it! It was a long journey since we started working together on Tainted Grail: Conquest… and today we are extremely excited to invite you to the final version of the game. It’s time to release this beast!

We’ve been in Early Access for a year now and it was a period full of hard work and effort, with plenty of ups and downs, but you folks were here with us, helping us with your comments, feedback, and support.

Huge thanks to all of you!

And remember: if you’ve enjoyed the game so far – please leave a review on Steam. This will really mean a lot to us and help out the game 🙂


So, what can you expect from the full release?

Well, that depends when was the last time you’ve played the game!

Was it the last public patch?
Then we’ve added lot of extra polish, balancing, bug-fixing, full voice over, three new playable classes… and 40 achievements! 😀

If you have played around the start of Early Access?
Oh well, oh well, this is like a totally different universe now! 😀
It’s honestly way too much to list here – just check it out, we hope that you will be pleasantly surprised! 😉

What about the language editions?
Well, as per previous update – we didn’t manage to add them for the launch. This is our first project after all, so the learning curve on how to properly implement translations was a bit more steep then we anticipated. Anyway! You can expect the first three language editions to appear in the game in about 2 weeks. For more information please head here.

OK, folks! So this is it, we have been working really, really hard on the final cut of the game — and now it is in your hands. Check it out and we hope you’re going to have a lot of fun exploring the twisted world of Avalon!

Awaken Realms Digital

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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