Tainted Grail: Conquest – New Faction Reveal

Awaken Realms Digital’s Arthurian deck-building RPG Tainted Grail: Conquest is scheduled to leave early access in a few days. As such, we get this Steam announcement directing us to the game’s official Wiki page and showcasing a new ranged faction you’ll have access to come launch.

Here’s more on the new faction:

Whenever you’ve been guessing what the next playable class might be, the most requested one was… a ranged class. We’ve been listening — and here we are, finally ready to show you the new Faction we’ve been working on for quite a while now.


Several hundred men perished when they tried to seal their conquest of Avalon by destroying Tuathan, the holy capital of their enemies. The Fore-dweller city never yielded, and the humans eventually had to give up. Arthur then ordered a watchtower, Longbarrow, to be built here, atop the graves of his soldiers.

Guardians stationed in Longbarrow were supposed to ensure Fore-dwellers never returned to the lands of men. And the tower itself was supposed to be a sobering reminder that human holdings in Avalon are far from safe.

Before we get down to sharing more information about the classes themselves, we need to explain one of the new systems we’ve introduced with this new Faction:


The playstyle of Watchers of Tuathan relies heavily on a new card-type we call the Maneuvers. This means that plenty of their cards change their sides after they’re played – as if you were tossing a coin. And, as you’ve guessed, changing the card’s side changes its effects.

Let me share an example.


This Faction doesn’t rely on Blocks – it relies mostly on Barriers.

However, their Barriers last for only one turn.

As you can see in the example above: this particular Maneuver gives you 10 Armor, then generates a Barrier equal to 100% of your current Armor. For 2 out of 3 new classes, it gets discarded after that, and when it gets back – its effect changes to just giving Barrier (depending on how much Armor you have). So you need to think carefully about what you play and when you play it — because if you have 0 Armor, using that 2nd side of the card will give you… 0 Barrier.

And here’s more info about the new classes!


Sentinels focus on shooting as many arrows as they can. Their weak statistics can be greatly buffed with thoughtful preparations. Sentinels collect energy from used arrows to unleash them later as their Ultimate ability.


Zealots focus on shooting rarely but lethally. Their weak statistics can be greatly buffed with calculations and waiting for the right opening. They collect unused cards and use them later to forge a powerful elemental arrow with their Ultimate ability.


Apostates focus on flipping Maneuvers and using the most powerful side of the cards because, after flipping, cards stay in their hand. Maneuvers are used to increase their weak statistics and allow them to turn every situation to their advantage. Apostates charge their Ultimate Ability with every flip performed and use their Ultimate ability to flip their whole hand.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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