Tainted Grail: Conquest Patch v1.3 Available

With Awaken Realms Digital now focusing their efforts on Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon, we almost missed the new v1.3 patch for the roguelike Conquest branch of this Arthurian deck-building RPG that brought the game to Xbox and made it work on Linux. Here’s more on that, along with a quick glimpse of the future:

Hello everyone!

We have some great news regarding Tainted Grail: Conquest – and the main thing we want to share is that we got the game working on consoles!

Here is a TL;DR version of this post!

  • Tainted Grail: Conquest is officially available on Xbox (and included in Xbox Game Pass!)
  • We’ve made some extra game optimization available for everyone (+ added font scaling)
  • We also made some adjustments to the game on Steam Deck!
  • …And it also works on Linux now!
  • We were quite busy with all that, so there are no new content/bug fixes this time, but a new patch should come out sooner or later as well 😉
  • To celebrate: we are doing the biggest discount yet – a 50% discount here on Steam, so if you were thinking about grabbing the game, it is a really great time to do that!


This is a huge achievement for us ‘cause it’s the first time we’ve been porting our game so we’ve had to learn A LOT about how to approach this and actually get it done. We’ve also had to do a lot of digging through our game’s code and other “low level” things that are pretty complex to explain (and aren’t very exciting to read about when you’re not a programmer :D).

But, yeah, we’ve won this battle and as of today, the game’s officially available on Xbox One X/S and Xbox Series X/S. You can even get it through Xbox Game Pass!

Anyway, this console edition-related patch brings two crucial improvements to the game – and these are available for PC players, too.

First, we’ve improved the game’s performance a bit by fixing some issues that were pretty taxing on RAM. The game should work better on low-end machines now!

The second addition is font scaling. We realized that our fonts could’ve been unreadable on various TVs, especially when you’re playing on your couch, so we’ve added the possibility to increase the font size in the game.

In addition to that, we’ve also made sure that the game works smoothly on Steam Deck, and that version also includes some improvements to the game’s UI (some things are scaled up, together with text size) because they were unreadable on a smaller screen.

As you can imagine, we’ve had to halt all other bug fixes and content additions – we needed to get the game working on consoles and this meant that we needed to give our programmers space to work their magic. Now that those console editions are released we can get back to fixing some of the outstanding issues that you’ve reported over the past few months. We’re really sorry it took so long but… well, you can’t estimate certain things when you’re doing them for the first time!

Moreover, with this patch we’re also adding Linux support – please let us know if it works as well as you’d expect it to work! We’ve tested it on Steam Deck and we haven’t run into any stability-related issues!

And yes – let us answer before anybody asks! – we are thinking about a Mac version, too… but we’re currently in the process of waiting for our testing machine to arrive. And Apple estimates it’s going to take a few weeks, maybe even months… But, yeah, when we get a Mac, we’re going to do our best to port the game to work on some of Apple machines as well! 🙂

Plans for the foreseeable future

Our entire team is hard at work on Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon and we’d love to share some more info about that game really soon – we’re posting new stuff from time to time on our Discord so if you’d like to know more right now, join us there!

And regarding Conquest: we need to wrap up some outstanding issues but when we’re done we’ll see what’s in front of us. We have some plans and ideas but we wouldn’t want to commit to anything as of yet. We did, however, get all of your new bug reports and we’ll definitely take a look at them now that we’re not busy with rewriting huge portions of the game’s backend 🙂

Have a great week!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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