Ted Peterson Interview

Morrowind Summit has posted a second interview with Ted Peterson, Lead Game Designer for Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall, discussing many topics involving Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind. Here’s a taste:

    Ultimate: You pointed out the beautiful graphics, and the ease of the interface. Do you think that these prominent features will be able to attract the more casual gamers that know little of rpgs, and make them get past the initial confusion caused by such a complex title?

    Ted: Can there be any doubt? Only a hard-core gamer is willing look past pixellicious graphics and a complicated interface in search of a great game. That’s one of the sad facts about the industry, and the reason why old games, unlike old movies, quickly lose their appeal. I’ve talked to a lot of people who actually work for game companies and ought to know better who won’t play any game that came out before the era of super high end 3D graphics cards. Let alone pre-CD-Rom games.

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