Telepath Tactics Liberated – Randomizer Mode Available

Earlier this year, Sinister Design released Telepath Tactics Liberated, a ground-up remake of their Fire Emblem-inspired SRPG. And now, they also bring us this update that adds a randomizer mode to the game that allows you to play through the campaign using a team of randomized custom characters.

Here’s more on how that will work:

The main campaign in Telepath Tactics Liberated can now be played in randomizer mode!

Randomizer mode mixes things up by removing the cast of characters you know and love, and swapping in a selection of procedurally generated characters with classes chosen at random. This allows you to replay the main campaign with totally different units at your disposal–you’ll get a fresh experience and a different challenge every time!

You’ll also find new tools to customize your characters in randomizer mode. New limited-use items let chosen characters place traps and timed charges; special books teach characters skills they wouldn’t ordinarily know; and Emma can be trained into a new class of your choice a few battles into the campaign!

I’ve also added a couple of new achievements in for beating randomizer mode: Roller of Dice and Master of Randomness. Are you up to the challenge?

To unlock randomizer mode, simply beat the main campaign on any difficulty. The next time you go to start a new game, select The Randomizer of Emma Strider from the list of campaigns and randomizer mode will commence! (If you’ve already beaten the game and received the Liberator achievement, the game will automatically detect it and unlock randomizer mode for you.)

Patch version 1.0.35

This update brings the game up to version 1.0.35–and while randomizer mode is most definitely the crown jewel of this update, there are numerous other improvements joining the game alongside it! Among them:

— the New Turn box no longer disappears upon clicking just anywhere onscreen; instead, there is now a dedicated Start Turn button that must be clicked to dismiss the box and commence the turn. This should help avoid players accidentally clicking past the opportunity to save at the start of each turn in battle.

— the main battle menu is now accessible during deployment.

— when the character screen is open in battle, scrolling the mouse wheel now cycles through the character screens for others in the same army.

— when either the unit inventory browser or the character screen is open within the reserve supplies screen, scrolling the mouse wheel now cycles through other characters who have access to the reserve supplies.

— the game now automatically sorts character inventory when opening the character screen, or when opening the unit inventory browser in the reserve supplies screen.

— fixed: the reserve supplies screen’s auto-equip feature would stop after auto-equipping one item given to the character.

— you can now Store items from within the character screen while in the reserve supplies interface.

— the character screen now displays “(X/12)” above the inventory, where X is how many of the character’s inventory slots are being used.

— tooltips for equipment now display the slot they equip to whether the item is currently equipped or not.

— adjusted the proc gen cavalier skill progression: Charge is now guaranteed to be learned much earlier, and cavaliers learn either Hold or Sprint instead of always learning Hold and learning either Sprint or Great Shield Mastery.

— boosted base Dodge by 5 for proc gen assassins.

— when a proc gen character is first generated or levels up, the game now checks to see if they have any skills with an energy cost exceeding their maximum energy. If so, the game now automatically awards that character energy sufficient to bring their maximum energy up to the cost of that skill.

— enemy units can no longer spawn on top of spaces containing player-created objects, such as traps and barricades.

— fixed: the “Ability” animation for cavaliers was improperly compressed, preventing palette swapping of the sprite.

— fixed: although the game checked for duplicate first names in characters generated through the recruitment interface, it did not do so with one-off proc gen characters produced through the GenerateUnique script action.

— fixed: multiple timed charges simultaneously detonating from burning damage within Explode range of one another would produce a null error.

— fixed: if apples were dropped onto a space already containing an item sack with apples in it during Out of Food Battle, the game would count the number of apples dropped incorrectly.

— 1.0.35a: characters chosen for deployment are now automatically shuffled to the front of the army roster for easier access going forward.

— 1.0.35a: removed the “Start Turn” button from the turn box at the start of AI turns.

— fixed in 1.0.35a: Unity was offsetting the raycast boundaries of the buttons on the new turn box for reasons I have yet to understand.

— fixed in 1.0.35a: after panning the camera with the WASD/arrow keys, the camera would slow to a stop approximately 3 times slower in the vertical axis than in the horizontal axis.

Wanted: your review!

Are you enjoying the game? We need your review! Writing a Steam review is one of the best things you can do to help get the word out about TTL. The more folks review the game, the more Steam’s algorithm will show the game to new players; the more players that see the game, the more players will buy the game; and the more players that buy the game, the more resources I’ll have to keep adding in awesome new art, features, and content.

That’s all I’ve got for you today. Next week, we’ve got player campaign showcase #4; I hope you’re excited for it!

Yours in tactics,


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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