Ten Essential Dragon Age II Mods

I really haven’t been following the Dragon Age II modding scene yet, so this round-up on IGN serves as a pretty good starting point for transforming the game into a more enjoyable experience. I’ll be adding a few of these for my next play-through, including this pair:


It’s a wonder why BioWare didn’t make this an option in the first place. This simple yet hugely helpful mod simply turns Highlight Objects into a toggle, meaning that you’ll no longer have to run around everywhere with your pinky finger straining to hold down Tab all the time. It also adds a handy Autorun button as well for those long-distance travellers.


This makes playing Hawke as an Archery-based Rogue a touch less absolutely-completely useless by bestowing an arrow-based Unbroken Chain talent on Hawke, exactly the same one that Exiled Prince DLC Sebastian fellow has. It gives a much needed kick to a bow-wielding Hawke couple it with some of the Specialist Speed talents and you’ll finally be able to live out that Robin Hood fantasy.

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