The 101 Best PC Games Ever, Parts One and Two

CVG has posted the first two installments of a new “The 101 Best PC Games Ever” feature. Some of the notable role-playing games that have made the list so far include NetHack (#95), Planescape: Torment (#61), Guild Wars (#57), Neverwinter Nights (#56), and EverQuest (#52). Their blurb about Planescape: Torment:

A firm favourite of RPGers everywhere, Planescape: Torment is still loved, still discussed and still sadly lamented. It was one of the first (and only) games to really capture the grimy weirdness of the Forgotten Realms world – pregnant walls, floating skulls, towers built around giants, the lot. Players valiantly ploughed through the swathes of text in the game, proving that gamers will read anything and everything just as long as it’s suitably interesting. Indeed, with its memorable characters, great dialogue and engaging plot, Planescape: Torment is the ultimate proof that games can be a powerful storytelling medium.

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