The Age of Decadence Screenshots and Text Adventure

Iron Tower’s Vince D. Weller has paid a long overdue visit to the Age of Decadence forums in order to kick start a “text adventure sequence” with the help of four new screenshots.

Text-adventures are an old, venerable, and sadly all but forgotten element and I have no idea whether or not we did a good job capturing the spirit, so as usual, you’re invited to bitch and complain make helpful suggestions. For those who like to quantify things: this particular text adventure is 14,687 words long.

You start the game in Teron, a small crumbling town controlled by House Daratan. At some point you may (or may not) decide to have a chat with Lord Antidas who, for some reasons, isn’t pacing back and forth outside of his palace eagerly awaiting your arrival.

There are several ways to meet him. You can talk to Dellar, Antidas’ man in charge of fucking with people and keeping the enemies of the House at bay. He will offer you a traditional “prove yourself first and if you’re still alive, which is doubtful, then I’ll let you in” way via 2 quests. If that’s not how you prefer to roll, there are 3 more quest-related ways to gain entrance (i.e. certain side quests may attract or require Antidas’ involvement). If you’re still shaking your head and want to do it completely on your own, that’s what the text adventure is for.

Thanks, RPGWatch.

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