The Broken Hourglass Weekly Update

Planewalker Games’ official website has received its usual weekly update for The Broken Hourglass, this time revealing how the god Thieron created the world of Tolmira.

Before the world was made, Thieron was known only as the God of Wisdom, for his future domains had yet to take on any meaning. As the God of Wisdom, he was often turned to for advice by the other gods– So often, in fact, that he rarely had a moment to himself, and no other god shunned his company completely. This did not bother him at first, for he was a patient deity, as befitted the god of wisdom. Even the patience of a god may be strained, however, and as time wore on he began to grow weary of catering to the needs of his younger siblings.

It is for this reason that when Lahan Riyashal called upon the gods to complete the world, he was the first to answer. His belief was that as the creation of the world began, the other deities would become absorbed within their projects and leave him to his. He was mistaken. As creation went under way the other deities began petitioning him more than ever, asking him for advice on their own projects; asking him to mediate their petty disputes; asking him an endless stream of questions that left him with no time to take part in the creation of the world himself.

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