The Broken Hourglass Weekly Update

Planewalker Games’ official website has received its usual weekly update for The Broken Hourglass, this time focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of allocating points to primary attributes versus secondary skills.

Primary attributes at first blush seem to be the slam-dunk best choice. After all, each primary attribute conveys bonuses to a number of secondary attributes, providing good return on a character’s experience point investment. As a result, buying primary attribute points “moves the needle” on a number of important characteristics all at once. Purchasing points in Judgment leads not only to better social skills, but more mana as well.

Consider, however, that relatively few statistical checks key directly on a primary attribute’s score. Most combat, spellcasting, and diplomatic checks are done against specific, secondary skills, and buying one point in Strength does not equate to one point in hand-to-hand combat proficiency.

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