The Elder Scrolls Online: Flames of Ambition DLC Live on All Platforms

Just slightly over a week after its PC release, the Flames of Ambition DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online is now live on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 as well. The DLC’s two new dungeons act as an introduction for the game’s Gates of Oblivion storyline and come bundled together with some system redesigns.

Here’s a press release with a quick overview of the new stuff:

The Elder Scrolls Online: Flames of Ambition DLC game pack is now live and available for purchase on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, bringing two new epic dungeons and kicking off 2021’s year-long Gates of Oblivion story. In addition, Update 29 has also gone live for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, introducing a host of free changes and improvements for all players, including a redesigned Champion System for high-level players.

Within the DLC and free base-game patch, players will find:

  • Two new dungeons: Black Drake Villa and the Cauldron
  • The early parts of the story of this year’s year-long adventure — Gates of Oblivion
  • New rewards, including item sets, Achievements, and collectibles
  • An update to the Champion System and improved character sheet
  • And more!

TWO NEW DUNGEONS: Black Drake Villa and The Cauldron

In Black Drake Villa, players will team up with the adventurous Wood Elf scout Eveli Sharp-Arrow and search the hidden archives of a once-proud mansion that is now home to monsters and arsonists. Players can learn more details more about Black Drake Villa on the ESO web site.

In The Cauldron, the cult of the Waking Flame has enslaved the local townsfolk and now excavates sinister ruins deep within a long-forgotten mine. With the help of the Dremora Lyranth, players will battle their way through Daedric beasts and cultists, free the captives, and put a stop to their plans. Players can read more about The Cauldron in on the ESO site.

UPDATE 29: Champion System Redesign, Improved Character Sheet and More

With the redesigned Champion System, players can better tailor their characters to their chosen playstyles using three updated constellation groups. The changes also introduce a champion bar, allowing players to slot up to four powerful passive boons for each constellation.

In addition to the new Champion System, Update 29 includes other improvements and fixes, including an updated character sheet that shows advanced stats. Players will now better see how changes to their character (be it via Champion Points, abilities, gear, or attributes) impact their effectiveness.

Players can access the Flames of Ambition DLC via an ESO Plus™ membership or purchase it with Crowns from the in-game Crown Store. The patch notes with all the details for Flames of Ambition and Update 29 are located on our official forums.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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