The Elder Scrolls Online – Frostvault Dungeon Overview

We already had a chance to familiarize ourselves with The Depths of Malatar dungeon coming to Bethesda’s MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online in the upcoming Wrathstone DLC, and now we also get an overview for the second new dungeon that DLC will add to the game – Frostvault. If you’d like to learn a bit about the lore, challenges and rewards of this new bit of group content, you should check out this article. An excerpt:


Locked away deep within the glaciers of Eastmarch, the frozen entrance to the Dwarven Vault of Mhuvnak has thawed, finally allowing explorers, adventurers, and treasure hunters to enter. Already on the scene, Redguard scholar and archeologist Tharayya needs your help to breach the Frostvault.

“Tharayya is a Dwemer artifact hunter at heart, so when she found evidence of another hidden treasure among her ex-husband’s records, she couldn’t resist,” explains Mike Finnigan, ESO’s Dungeon Lead. “However, when she arrived, she found the caves infested with Goblins, so you are the hired muscle for the expedition.”

Before you can enter the vault, you must traverse the icy pathways that the local Coldsnap Goblin tribe now calls home. Then, to make your way into the heart of the Frostvault and claim its prize, you also need to make use of what remains. This includes a remarkable Dwarven machine at the center of it all.

“The Dwarven Delver is an awesome new construct that has a cannon on one arm and a drill on the other. It’s something ESO players have never seen before, and Frostvault gave us the opportunity to use it as a centerpiece for the whole dungeon,” explained Finnigan.

Such a machine could be very useful in this frozen complex and, fortunately for you, Tharayya knows a thing or two about Dwarven technology.


A vault buried deep within the glacial rifts of Eastmarch has its own inherent dangers, but Frostvault’s defenses also stand ready to test you and your group. Relentless Dwarven automatons, deadly traps, and the Coldsnap Goblin tribe bring more than a few surprises for unsuspecting adventurers. The Goblins in particular attack in ways that you’ve never seen from other tribes, including using ice comet and barrage abilities, so don’t underestimate them!

Additionally, to clear Frostvault, you must defeat five challenging bosses that force you to pay attention to and make use of your environment. For example, the Vault Protector boss uses a shield to defend itself from a series of lasers fired from mobile sentries on the outer walls.

To survive this encounter, you must find a way to keep yourself and your party out of harm’s way. Quick wits along with a high level of coordination and mobility are necessary to avoid certain doom.

Most challenging, however, is the gigantic Stonekeeper, Frostvault’s final boss. Be careful, as this monstrous machine can quickly dispatch your team with powerful beams, a flame cannon, and spinning blades. All of these weapons threaten unsuspecting adventurers, but none more so than the Extermination Protocol attack that can target your entire group. Luckily, Tharayya knows a few tricks herself, and she helps you manage this foe in a unique way.

“Tharayya doesn’t limit herself to only hunting Dwemer artifacts, and over the years she has collected some skeevatons during her travels,” explains Finnigan. “As the Stonekeeper powers up, players will need to use them to traverse its inner workings and disable the Extermination Protocol before it wipes out the group.”

This is no easy task, as the Stonekeeper’s inner workings are a maze, and the machine features internal defenses. You and your team must navigate its twisting pathways and shut it down before it’s too late!

And while you’re here, you may also be interested in taking a look at the game’s upcoming PVP additions.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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