The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim UI Mod Released

It’s not perfect by any means, but this SkyUI mod makes enough fixes to the deeply flawed Skyrim user interface to be worth a mention. It’s still a work in progress, with magic menu fixes incoming, but the overhaul to the inventory looks really good: it takes out the weird two-list system for a top-bar system with icons, has smaller fonts, sortable columns, and more.


SkyUI is mod that aims to improve Skyrim’s User Interface by making it easier to use with mouse and keyboard, less wasteful of available screen space and nicer to look at.

We do all that while keeping true to the style of the original UI, so new and old components are integrated seamlessly.

It is not our goal to re-create the complete interface from scratch. Instead we try to identify and change areas that need improvement, while leaving the things that are already good alone.

Further general objectives and design concepts are:

‘¢ Finding a good balance between ‘dumbed down’ and ‘information overkill’.

‘¢ Easy installation and setup by providing a user-friendly installer with the Nexus Mod Manager.

‘¢ Great customization support by using a separate configuration file.

‘¢ Blending features in as good as possible – players shouldn’t feel reminded that they’re using a mod.

Since improving the whole UI is a big undertaking, we release one menu at a time as we make progress. The following sections give an overview of what’s included so far, as well as what we plan to address next.

The inventory menu

The player inventory has been changed from the original two-list-layout to a single big panel. Included features:

‘¢ Icons to replace the text-based category column. Selectable from 3 different icon themes (curved, straight, Celtic).

‘¢ Mini icons for each item type.

‘¢ Smaller fonts, so more entries can be displayed at once.

‘¢ Extra columns to include additional item information. Examples are weight and value in general, and damage or armor rating for specific categories.

‘¢ Sortable columns to order items by a specific stat. Multi-state columns to sort by value/weight ratio, and to quickly quickly single out equipped, stolen, enchanted or poisoned items.

‘¢ Additional status icons to flag stolen, enchanted and poisoned items.

‘¢ Full-text search through the inventory.

‘¢ Intuitive and efficient keyboard navigation.

‘¢ Support for exotic resolutions. Tested from 800×600 to 5760×2160.

‘¢ Fully configurable column layout and text formatting.

Thanks RPS.

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