The End of BioWare as a Traditional RPG Creator?

In their latest editorial, Dragon Age fansite poses the question, “Is Dragon Age 2 the End of BioWare as a Traditional RPG Creator?”  A snip: 

HOWEVER! Teasing me with something as open and infinitely superior in its complexity as was Dragon Age: Origins, only to follow up with something that is simply NOT in the same style or genre, is completely and utterly unfair. As a gamer and a fan, I care how much profit BioWare makes only insofar as it keeps them afloat to continue making more cool stuff that I like. Selfish, but true of most gamers. I don’t want to see things get blanded away from the features and elements that made BioWare my favourite game maker. While I understand their need to grow and expand, on an intellectual level, I am thoroughly disheartened at this turn of events.

I’ll deal. I’ll be ok. I’ll still love them.

But I’ll miss them too.

I’d say that if BioWare was ever a traditional RPG creator, that ended with Knights of the Old Republic, and Origins was just an anachronism.

It’s interesting to see a new generation of RPG gamers be disappointed in these changes, though. In 10 years time, will “traditional” fans complain as the Mass Effect-type RPG is turned even more mainstream (somehow)? That’s evolution for you…

Thanks, RPGCodex.

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