The Fall of Online Advertising

Rarely do I read an article on the web that really hits home, but today, while browsing the Adrenaline Vault, I came upon a good one. The title of the article is The Fall of Online Advertising: So You Want to Start a Gaming Site? and it puts in perspective exactly what is happening nowadays with just about every site on the internet, including GameBanshee.

Although the dollar amounts in bandwidth talked about in the article are much higher than ours, the basic message is very similar. Content sites, gaming sites in particular, just can’t survive with the current state of the internet. And it’s not getting any better. It seems the only viable solution for many sites is to either close down or go subscription-based.

What can you do to help? Well, for us here at GameBanshee anyway, the easiest way to help is to click on our advertisers banners and check out what they have to offer. Or, if you’re looking to buy a new game, utilizing Chips & Bits via any banner on our site gets us a small kickback. If you have serious money to spend, you can even buy a high-performance Alienware PC. Should you feel very giving, there’s even a method to donate to us using

Anyway, I just thought I would keep all of you knowledgeable with what the internet is doing from the webmaster’s point of view. If things continue, free sites like ours will be a thing of the past I’m afraid.

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