The Golden Age of Video Games

It might be debatable, but the folks at the BBC seem fairly sure of their case: this is it, the Golden Age of Video Games.

Titles like Assassin’s Creed and Mass Effect have also helped raise the profile of games with big budget advertising campaigns, and an emphasis on storyline and production values. Both are expected to join the ranks of million-plus sellers this year.

Margaret Robertson said the market growth for games this year had been “explosive and phenomenal”. Sales in the US are up 50% on last year and the Christmas figures are still to come.

“On the strength of sales alone 2007 has been the greatest year in gaming – that much is certain,” she said

But she said the industry was also showing signs of maturity.

“This year we have had the huge titles like Halo 3, The Orange Box and Super Mario Galaxy, which have had huge success and deservedly so.

“But it’s almost the next tier down – games like Project Gotham Racing 4, Call Of Duty 4, Ratchet and Clank and God of War 2 – where there has been such ambition and confidence that you can now almost take the quality for granted. It’s very encouraging.”

She added: “A lot of the games are sequels and I would like to see more innovation.”

Oddly enough they even cite reviewer ratings, as if those ever meant anything.

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