The Great Gaming Crash of ’02

It’s just been too long since the great crash of 1984. Atari was no more, there wasn’t anything to interest the gaming crowds… heck, even I don’t remember what i did during that era. I believe I just played and played the heck out of the Atari 2600 and my trusty games during the drought. Finally, in ’86 the NES came out (in America) and HERE we are.

But it’s been too long… we are going to be tidal waved by an abundance of consoles in the next two years and there is only a market for so many… the doomsayers are coming out and predict another crash. There’s a good article at about this very thing… the next crash. It’s not going to be as dramatic or salient as the last, but oh, it’s coming. =) Personally I don’t believe it will. There will be a few companies who reign and are able to float and succeed, the others (like the Saturn, TG16, 32x, 3D0) will fade into black, pun intended.

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