The Lord of the Rings Online Chat Log

Stratics has posted an edited transcript of the recent IRC chat they hosted with members of The Lord of the Rings Online development team.

Sprite – *fuzzytoes* Hi, I am a lvl 44 burg and am finding it VERY hard to level up. Right now I only have 2 solo quests and about 30 group quests. Its so hard to find a group I can’t finish my quests. In book 11 will we see any high level (45-50) quests added? If so, how many and how many will be solo?

Scenario – Book 11 will see two new landscape additions (Tal Bruinen/High Pass) and 1 new public dungeon space (Goblin-town) specifically geared towards level 40-50 players. For Book 12, we’ll be taking a look back at some of our existing high level content to improve its flow and quality.

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