The Lord of the Rings Online Chat Log

Stratics has slapped up an edited transcript of the recent IRC chat they hosted with The Lord of the Rings Online development team.

*Nethriel* Good evening! I had a question that voices a small concern I’ve heard from a number of female players, and that is the relative lacking of female Monster Players. Aside from the Spider, that’s it, and a number of my Kinmates don’t use MP just because they prefer to play identifiably female characters (they themselves being women). We were wondering if you planned to change that in the future, perhaps when you introduc[e Book 12?]

Patience – Hey Nethriel. 🙂 Saffron and I are right there with you, my friend. 😉 We also noticed that when you session-play the chicken, you’re really a rooster! Hmph. We’ll talk to some folks here and see if there’s any possibility of change in a future PvMP pass, but since it’s a pretty big undertaking to add new avatars it could be a while (if ever!). No promises. 😉

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