The Lord of the Rings Online Creature Profile

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online Lorebook has been updated with a new creature profile, this time detailing the Baugarch.

In the Chetwood, the Blackwold brigands have established an encampment from which they assail the various villages of Bree-land. The entire brigand band put together, however, is not as much of a threat as the guardian left there by Éogan of Angmar.

Wandering through the Chetwood and the Blackwold camp is a vile Warg that came with Éogan out of the North. Baugarch is feared by all who dwell there, even the wild wolves who make their den to the west of the Blackwold encampment. Many an unwary woodsman has vanished in the Chetwood, taken by the evil Baugarch.

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