The Lord of the Rings Online Developer Diary

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar website has been updated with a new developer diary written by Jeff “Slayde” Rubin. In it, Jeff talks about the game’s Rank and Prestige systems:

Our Rank system is set up much like the system used for regular leveling. PvMP kills reward Free Peoples players (or Heroes) with Renown, and monster players with Infamy. These points only increase; players don’t lose Infamy or Renown for being defeated. At certain levels of Renown, players increase Rank. With Rank, you get a new title and access to better stuff. Currently, Rank gates things like monster play advancement. You can only advance your monster player so far before you need to raise your Rank to continue. This gives players an incentive to increase their Rank. As time goes on, we intend to add further benefits to achieving increased Rank.

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