The Lord of the Rings Online Interview has an interview up with Executive Producer Jeffrey Steefel to talk about the recent updates to LotR online.

The team, we were told, is usually working on two books at any given time. When polish begins on the previous book, the next book rolls into full production. Surprisingly, I was also told that while they won’t discuss exact employee numbers, the Lord of the Rings team is about the same size as it was at launch, allowing the game to continue and grow as an MMO should.

“Launching the game,” Steefel said, “is just the beginning. We have a huge focus on this game.” He went on to explain that comment, telling me that a full staff is a necessity when it comes to the various features that are brought into the game and the upkeep required to keep “growing those features”.

“We launched the game at a certain level of quality,” Steefel said, “and we have to maintain and improve that quality with each update.”

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