The Lord of the Rings Online Review

Eurogamer has posted a two-page review of Turbine’s newly launched The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, giving the MMORPG an overall score of 9/10.

…the big question which many of you will want to hear a view on is this; is it worth quitting WoW to play this? The answer to that is… Well, it depends. If you’re deeply ensconced in an active WoW guild and enjoying the game, then LOTRO’s improvements probably aren’t significant enough to drag you away. However, there are many players for whom Azeroth (and Outland) are simply starting to feel tired, and we would whole-heartedly recommend that those players give Middle Earth a shot. What’s more, it’s absolutely no exaggeration to say that this is far and away the best game for anyone who hasn’t played an MMOG before to cut their teeth on. Even more than the familiar universe, the excellent interface and gameplay design Turbine have crafted turn this into an experience which those who have previously avoided the lure of MMOs will find tough to resist.

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