The Lord of the Rings Online Site Update

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with a new exploration feature, this time detailing a Ruined Watch-tower. Along with a few paragraph of descriptive text, there’s also some concept art to help visualize the crumbling piece of architecture. A snip:

This watch-tower, its name long-forgotten, once overlooked the eastern reaches of Fornost of which little now remains. Though crumbling and decrepit, it still stands as a grand testament to the architects of Arnor, a monument both carved from the living stone upon which it rests and built from stone blocks and mortar. The ruined tower yet watches over the eastern gate of Fornost, which still stands amidst crumbling walls, bearing the charge of the Seven Stars, though the courtyard beyond has become home to cursed shades, tainted by failure and betrayal.

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