The Lord of the Rings Online Update 32: Rangers and Ruins Available

Rangers and Ruins, a new content update for Standing Stone Games’ MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online is now live, featuring a new endgame raid, expanded housing options, new areas to explore, and more. You can check out the full patch notes over here and watch the launch trailer below:

You may also be interested in this recent video interview with the game’s producer who goes by Raninia:

And here’s an overview of the update’s big new items:

Of Special Note:

The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra Raid arrives soon!

“Beyond the falls of Amgaruslun in the Clovengap lies Abnankâra, the Hiddenhoard. Once an ancient treasury wrought in secret by Mótsog and the Greymauls during their rebellion against the Longbeards in the Elder Days, it has become the lair of Hrímil Frost-heart, a dreaded cold-dragon of Morgoth. Within this frozen retreat, Hrímil tends her wounds and slumbers, dreaming of vengeance upon Prince Durin and the dwarves of the Gabil’akkâ…”

  • The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra will initially be available to play on both Tier 1 and Tier 2 difficulties, with Tiers 3-5 unlocking in the weeks to come! The raid will open at Noon Eastern (-5 GMT) on Thursday, February 24th, 2022.
  • In addition to three exciting new boss encounters, including the final confrontation between Durin and Hrímil Frost-heart, this raid also features new rewards, a suite of new deeds, and new, time-limited titles for completing Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5!
  • The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra is available to all players who have purchased Fate of Gundabad and reached Level 140. Talk to Prince Durin at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset in Mount Gundabad to begin the quest to discover the Hiddenhoard! It is recommended, but not required that you complete the tale of The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves before entering the Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra.
  • The Leading the Charge Deed is available to earn until 3:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT) on April 21st, 2022.

Now Available: Erebor Housing!

One of Smaug’s last treasure hoards has been opened and the Dwarves of Erebor have moved to reclaim it! Join them in owning a piece of Middle-earth, in the Great Hall under the Mountain.

New premium player and kinship housing is now available in Erebor! To learn more and tour the available homes, visit Gárthi Lockwarden in the Broker’s Office in Bree as well as within Erebor in Tumnu-dûm, The Dwelling-halls NOTE: Players can own as many personal premium homes as they wish, but Kinships can only own one premium house. Erebor Housing includes:

  • Twelve Base Premium Houses, one Special Base Premium House, six Deluxe Premium Houses, and one Premium Kinship House!
  • A full suite of Town Services and social spaces for you to enjoy with your kinship and neighbors!
  • New exterior music and Ambient Environment hook types to allow you even more customization options for your homes!
  • Swimmable gold coins!
  • Life-sized chess/checker boards

Introducing: The Legendary Items Reward Track!

The Legendary Items Reward Track is now available to all players starting at level 45! This track can be accessed through the Menu (Character → Reward Track). As you play the game and collect Item XP it’ll progress the track throughout the season, and if you get all the way to the end there is a repeatable goal for more rewards! We’ll refresh the track every season, and the frequency, drop rate, and kind of rewards will change over time. The Legendary Items Reward Track is Account-based, so all of your characters on each world will contribute to the Rewards track, and you can select the rewards on whatever character you prefer. Read more in an article about the Legendary Items Reward Track on

The Angle of Mitheithel is available to explore!

Stretching south from the Trollshaws to the junction of the Bruinen and Mitheithel rivers is a wild land of rocky hills and deep pine-woods, and a graveyard of ancient kingdoms. The ruins of Elves and Men alike crumble among the trees, and the Rangers steal through the shadows of the trees, ever watchful, carrying out secret assignments as the north grows more dangerous by the day. The Angle of Mitheithel is a new area for levels 40 to 45.

The Angle of Mitheithel is free to VIPs and available in the LOTRO Store under the Quest Pack called “Rangers and Ruins”.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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