The Lord of the Rings Online Volume III: Book 1 Interview has cranked out a quick interview with The Lord of the Rings Online development director Michael Jablonn about the Volume III: Book 1 content update that was launched for the game yesterday. What is the storyline for marshalling the Rangers of the North? How do players get involved?

Michael Jablonn: Book 1 is largely about bringing word to the Rangers that the Grey Company must assemble. Players are set forth across Eriador on behalf of Elrond to help accomplish this vital task. Where does all of this fit into the time line of the War of the Ring?

Michael Jablonn: Book 1 takes place around the time that the Fellowship departs Lorien, which was February 16, 3019. Players are gathering and interacting with key players in the War of the Ring such as Halbarad and making sure they are headed on the proper path for what lies ahead.

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