The Lord of the Rings Online Volume III: Book 1 Preview

The guys over at Massively are next in line with a hands-on look at the Volume III: Book 1 update currently scheduled to hit The Lord of the Rings Online on Monday.

At each stage along the Epic questline, you are given a choice of rewards. Usually it is between a consumable map that will take you directly to the next Ranger or a scroll to upgrade a legacy on your Legendary Items. Have a useless ability on your LI you’re never going to pour points into? Use the scroll to replace it with a stat based Legacy (i.e. +10 Vitality, etc.). These scrolls are normally available only to raiders, but if you’re willing to hoof it to the next Ranger, you can grab these stat scrolls along the way.

By the end of the questline, you will have several scrolls and iXP runes. As of now, there is no cloak or other powerful equipment item reward we normally associate with finishing an epic questline. Many players have complained about this on the test server forum and this may change when the patch goes live.

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